"Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it." I LOVE YOU :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
our past time T_T
The day I gave my heart to you I’ve cherish that every moment so precious inside my heart, and made a wish for me and you to never apart..
I love you so deeply, the sound of your voice, and the way that we share..
I love your warm smile, and your kind, thoughtful way, the joy that you bring, to my life everyday..
I love you today , as I have from the start and I’ll love you forever with all of my heart…
I love you more, as each moment passes us by…
I love you more, than the entire star in the sky…
I love you more, with every breath I take..
I love you more, with each promise that we make..
I need you, like a flower need the rain, I need you for me you can wash away my pain…
I miss you, more than ever now,I miss you because I really need you somehow…
I miss you, for me u mean so much..
I want you to look into my eyes and see my love for you…
I want you to hold close to my heart..
I want you to know that…..
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Don’t act like u care if doesn’t
Don’t act like u love if u doesn’t
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Apa sebenarnya cinta?
Insan yang beriman sering kali meletakkan sandaran yang kuat dan kukuh kepada Allah. Maka, dalam soal percintaan, sering kali mereka bersikap tenang dan menyerah diri kepada ketentuan Allah.
Memiliki perasaan ingin mencintai dan dicintai adalah sesuatu yang lumrah sifatnya. Tidak terkecuali bagi remaja yang cukup terkenal dengan sikap gemar mencuba. Termasuklah melibatkan soal cinta. Merasai dan menjadi sebahagian daripada pemain watak dalam kisah bertemakan mainan perasaan dan jiwa, tentu menimbulkan kemahuan yang tinggi dalam diri mereka.
Apatah lagi kerap dimomok dengan keindahan jalan cerita drama, fi lem, novel ataupun kisah kawan-kawan yang cukup berbunga-bunga, hati mula melonjak teruja. Alangkah indahnya bercinta! Mengetahui apa itu cinta. Mudahnya melafazkan kata cinta namun tidak mengetahui mengapa dan kenapa mereka bercinta. Alam percintaan sememangnya indah. Bagi yang sedang asyik dilamun cinta, dunia ini ibarat mereka yang punya.
Namun harus diingat soal bercinta bukan semata-mata kerana sayang. Tapi bagaimana mahu menjadikan ikatan cinta yang terjalin akan terus dibawa hingga ke gerbang pelamin. Kefahaman tentang konsep cinta antara lelaki dan wanita perlu diketahui sebaiknya. Itu paling penting, agar hubungan cinta yang dijalin tidak membawa kepada kekecewaan seterusnya sentiasa dalam rahmat Ilahi.
Bersandarkan Allah
Insan yang beriman sering kali meletakkan sandaran yang kuat dan kukuh kepada Allah. Maka, dalam soal percintaan, sering kali mereka bersikap tenang dan menyerah diri kepada ketentuan Allah. Ini adalah kerana mereka yakin cinta datang daripada Allah dan hanya Dia sahaja yang dapat menganugerahkan atau menghapuskan cinta itu. Allah adalah Pencipta kepada cinta, dan setiap penciptaan-Nya ada matlamat dan sebab kewujudannya, yang sering kali tidak cuba difahami oleh manusia.
Hanya segelintir sahaja yang memahami hakikat didatangkan perasaan cinta itu, iaitu kembali kepada asal matlamat kejadian manusia; untuk menyembah dan melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah. Tidak kira apa bangsa ataupun agama sekalipun, hakikat cinta adalah kembali kepada mengagungkan dan membesarkan Tuhan yang menciptakan segala cinta.
Realiti cinta menuntut pengorbanan daripada setiap individu yang berani untuk melibatkan dirinya dalam percintaan. Cinta penuh dengan air mata, mainan perasaan dan getaran yang memilukan hati. Ini kerana, cinta tidak hanya melibatkan perasaan semula jadi antara lelaki dan perempuan sahaja tetapi juga melibatkan perhubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan, manusia dan alam, serta manusia dan perbuatan.
Asslamamualaikummmmmm =)
Tolong jawab, siapa yang tidak suka tidur? Tidur memang dikaitkan dengan malas dan tidak produktif. Malah tidur yang melampau akan memudaratkan. Tetapi jika tidur cukup, tentulah tidak salah dan tubuh pasti lebih fit.
Tidur sama pentingnya dengan air dan makanan tetapi ada orang anggap tidur ini amalan remeh. Padahal tidur adalah salah satu resipi sihat, cantik dan awet muda. Tidak percaya? Ketika tidur, tubuh bekerja keras memperbaiki sel-sel dan jaringan tubuh yang rosak. Otak pula sibuk mengisi ruang memori dengan pelbagai perkara yang anda alami dan pelajari. Tidur yang dimaksudkan ini adalah tidur yang berkualiti. Ada beberapa persoalan mengenai tidur yang perlu kita tahu. Apakah pengaruh tidur bagi organ-organ penting manusia? Benarkah tidur yang terlampau akan membuat anda gemuk? Atau sebaliknya kurang tidur boleh menyebabkan anda obesiti?
Semasa tidur, tubuh menghasilkan hormon pertumbuhan manusia (human growth hormone/HGH) dan melatonin. Fungsi kedua-dua hormon ini berkaitan dengan kecantikan, antaranya untuk memperbaiki sel-sel tubuh, mencegah penuaan diri dan meremajakan kembali jaringan-jaringan tubuh yang telah haus. Kerana itu jangan hairan apabila terdapat perbezaan yang jelas antara kulit orang yang cukup tidur dengan yang kurang tidur. Seseorang yang kurang tidur akan kelihatan lebih tua dari usia sebenarnya. Sementara yang cukup tidur nampak lebih segar.
Mata adalah sensor pertama manusia bagi memulai hari. Begitu mata melihat cahaya terang di pagi hari, ia akan mengarahkan tubuh untuk memulakan aktiviti. Dalam sehari otot-otot di sekitar mata akan bergerak-gerak ribuan kali mengikut ekspresi wajah. Sedih, gembira, berkerut, ketawa semuanya melibatkan tarikan otot-otot sekitar mata. Sebab itulah, tanda-tanda penuaan salah satunya ada di kerutan sekitar mata. Jadi untuk memastikan otot-otot itu punya waktu istirahat yang cukup setiap hari, tidur sangat diperlukan. Bagi sesetengah orang, cahaya mempengaruhi cepat atau lambatnya seseorang tidur di samping keselesaan. Ada yang tidur dengan suasana lampu dipasang dan ada juga yang tidur dalam keadaan gelap.
Sama ada dalam keadaan jaga mahupun tidur, udara akan masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui mulut dan hidung, mengalir ke saluran pernafasan dan kemudian ke paru-paru. Apabila udara mengalir dengan baik ke paru-paru, maka fungsi organ ini juga akan berfungsi dengan baik. Hasil kajian Dr. Olga Parra dari Universiti Hospital Barcelona, Sepanyol mendapati, kesulitan tidur akan menimbulkan risiko serangan angin ahmar. Ini kerana adanya gangguan berkala ketika bernafas. Jadi sangat jelas bahawa gangguan tidur adalah gangguan pernafasan selama tidur kerana terhalangnya aliran udara yang masuk ke dalam paru-paru.Nasihat beliau, lakukan aktiviti apa pun agar tubuh bergerak dan letih. Organ tubuh yang aktif bergerak akan mencapai puncak keletihan pada malam hari sehingga membawa kepada tidur yang selesa, tanpa gangguan pernafasan selama tidur.
SAHABAT2, DAH TAU KENAPA SAYA SUKA TIDUR? hehe lepas ni rajin2 kan lah tdo ye ! weee~
Sunday, October 9, 2011
something for you all :)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Menses At Time Of Laylatul Qadr
The woman in her menses in her last ten days of Ramadhaan is still beneficial for her to get up in the last third of the night to make du’a as she cannot make salaah, of course . It is beneficial to make du’a in the third of the night and this is open for the one who is in a state of ritual purity or ritual impurity.
So there is nothing wrong with that. And the woman in menses also could recite Qur’an from her memory and could make remembrances. All of that. And we can refer you to the book, Natural Blood of Woman by our Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. Check this book insha Allah.
If a sister on her menses during the last ten nights, is she allowed to do prayer on these nights?
No. She can do anything except the prayers and fasting. She can invoke Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala). She can invoke Allah with this du’a. She can give charity. She can do all good actions of worship except for praying and fasting. Is this clear insha Allah sister? And by the way, a comment on this answer, for all the sisters: a woman who gets her menses during this time - this is a matter prescribed by Allah.
They should not feel in anyway, saddened at all. Why should they feel sad? Even a little bit, when Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) prescribed this matter upon them? This is a very important matter. They shouldn’t have any kind of objection what so ever. They are not going to be deprived of anything that Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) bestowed of his favors because of this. He is the one who commanded her to refrain from prayers. He is the one who commanded her to refrain from fasting. Mercy upon her. I hope that this is insha Allah, ya’ni, met with good understanding.
Because she cannot do the prayers on these nights due to the menses, doesn’t that mean she misses out on the rewards of praying the night of Qadr?
The answer is that, she cannot due to a legal permit. So she does the acts of worship permitted for her. She may recite Qur’an from memory. She may invoke Allah on these nights, anticipating these nights. She may give charity. She does what she is permitted to do. And that is why our Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) mentioned that the matter is not limited to the establishment of prayers. But rather to all of the actions. To all of the worship. So that is the critical difference. Because we know that in some nights Prophet Muhammad (salallahu ‘alaiyhi wasallam) did not establish the prayers all night
So the sisters who have their natural blood on these days, shouldn’t give up.
Do acts of worship that are permitted.
Give charity.
Give good word.
Anticipating the reward from Allah. Making du’a. Making remembrances. Alhamdulillah.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
MSK JUN 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
here i come.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
realiti hidup
sesungguhnya mimpi indah itu sgt indah. kalau boleh semua org nk hidup dlm mimpi indah. tapi, kita harus ingat realiti hidup itu adalah pasti.walaupun pahit utk kita menerima namun kita tetap kena terima.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
kita faham bahawa ukhwah fillah itu adalah dengan menjalinkan hubungan persaudaraan kerana Allah supaya Allah redha. persoalannya, bagaimana kita mahu Allah redha dengan perhubungan itu?
di sinilah erti sebenar ukhwah fillah. ukhwah yang terjalin kerana mahukan keredhaan Allah. bukan untuk diri kita sendiri. tapi untuk kita bersama :)
ukhwah yang terjalin bukan sekadar melepaskan diri kita saja dari api neraka, tapi ukhwah ini adalah untuk turut sama menyelamatkan saudara kita. siapa saudara kita? mereka itulah orang2 yang berukhwah dengan kita semata2 kerana Allah.
kita berukhwah dengan orang. kita tahu sekarang tujuan nya semata2 mencapat keredhaan Allah. tapi kita perlu tahu, keredhaan Allah itu adalah apabila Allah redha dengan kita.
jadi cuba kita fikir,
adakah Allah redha sekiranya kita biar sahaja kawan2 kita terus menjadi orang yang jahil agama?
adakah Allah akan redha jika kita biarkan saudara kita terus bergelumang dengan dosa? adakah Allah akan redha jika kita biarkan saja saudara2 islam kita ditipu dan ditindas oleh orang2 kafir?
inilah makna sebenar ukhwah fillah. ukhwah semata2 mahu keredhaan Allah. ukhwah semata2 mahu Allah redha melihat kita dan saudara kita sama2 berjaya di akhirat kelak. ukhwah semata2 mahu Allah redha kerana hamba2Nya bersaudara semata2 untuk bersama2 berdakwah menegakkan agama islam.
perluaskan makna ukhwah fillah. pasti apabila kita berada dalam sesuatu hubungan, ibu bapa, adik beradik, kawan2, suami isteri, dan jiran tetangga, akan lahir walau sekelumit rasa untuk kita bersama2 mereka mejauhi neraka Allah! dan bersama2 menuju syurga Allah yang indah itu!
semoga kita semua sentiasa dibawah lindunganNYA ~
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
takde keje, SERIOUSLY!
senyummmmmmmmmmmmmm, hehe ape sal seronok nih. asal?asal? hihihi saje suke. skrg ni kat penang. hah?penang? yeah penang lagi..lagi..lagi.. agaknya penang ni pun dh bosan nak menerima khadiran ak neh. hehe
tapi besok balik ipoh dah..alahai,di fikirkan balik byk la keje nak kna settle ble balik nanti..
1. jumpe aunty lesen tu.
2. siapkan final report..xleh jadi diana dh siap dh~ aduihh
3. pegy TM amek barang, terima barang dan jumpe org. ehe~
4. truskan planning dgn bdk gmib
5. jd suri rumah sepenuh masa(ini yg hmmm, xtau nak kata la.hihi)
6. ape lagi? ape lagi? haha tak tau
adehh, ape yg mlalut ni? nmpk sgt bosan kat umah mkcik ni. tp xpe atleast ade internet..agaga. drpd smlm kat umah maktok seriusly blur.. nseb ajniaq n di ade leh teman.. jaga baby ank buah diana. alololo so cuteee. mcm ak. eh tak, mcm mak dye. hehe pastu mkn mpelam. hmm sdap3.. haha
k3.. mari sambung fb. ehe. byebye
Thursday, April 28, 2011
dasar BERUK .
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
last week kat TM!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
4days at penang was AWESOMEEEEEEE :D
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Adakah Rindu Ini Satu Anugerah dari Allah Atau Sebaliknya???
Sesungguhnya RINDU itu satu ANUGERAH apabila kena pada tempatnya. Kerana dari rindu timbul pula keinginan untuk mengharapkan cinta dan kasih. Keinginan untuk melakukan apa saja untuknya dan kerananya TAPI ingatlah segala batasan.
“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui sedang kamu tidak” Al-Baqarah:216
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
cinta ibarat telefon ?!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
are u afraid of changes? don't be afraid ! :)
hi, assalamualaikum! (dr.fadzilah kamsah way) hehe. this article i found it on one of the web. already forgot. just to share with peeps around. its too long n u may get bored. so plz read this while u are doing nothing :)
Are you afraid of change? Are you afraid of making changes in your life because it might mean that this new way will be expected of you all the time? Are you afraid that you can’t live up to these new expectations?
Moreover, are you afraid of what will happen in this new environment, one in which you may not know what will happen next?
Many people thrive on messy lives and feel more comfortable with chaos than with peace and order, because that is the only way they know. While they may want to change the way they are do things, actually making those changes and getting order to their lives is difficult.
They are used to the safe, familiar environment of rush, mess and chaos.
If you have had enough of this frantic, living in the last minute lifestyle then keep reading. You probably think there is no way you can fix this mess, it’s just too huge a job to tackle all at once.
Relax – the good news is you can change the way you live your life and it won’t hurt. It won’t cause any upheaval because you don’t have to do it all at once. In fact, you shouldn’t try and change everything all at once.
Your life didn’t become this hectic and complicated overnight, so you don’t have to run yourself ragged trying to fix it all in one day.
Have you ever tried to loose a lot of weight all at once? IT didn’t work, right? And I bet you found that if you did lose some weight, a little while later it all came back again – and brought it’s fat little friends too.
The same applies to making changes about how you live your life. Dont’ try to do it all at once. It doesn’t work in the long run.
Take one small step at a time. Just pick one thing, give yourself the chance to take small steps and make small changes. This gives your mind and body the chance to adjust to a new way of doing things. Trying to do it all at once is a sure-fire way to crash and burn, and you’ll wind up in an even bigger mess with a liberal sprinkling of guilt at failure just for good measure.
Giving yourself a chance to get used to each change as it occurs, one at a time, is the best way to make sure these changes stick and become part of your new habit, your new routine for how you live your life.
Pick one thing, and step out boldly with a brave face and you’ll be delighted with the subtle difference that occurs. Gently, gently making positive changes to help you get on top of your struggles wears them down into stress free events.
Once you have one thing sorted and are able to deal with it in a balanced and sane manner, then you can work on the next. Only choose one thing at a time. The rest can wait. You don’t even have to choose the most pressing, annoying issue to deal with first. Make a change to one thing which is not too big.
Very quickly that aspect of your life will be running smoothly, then you can move on to the next, then the next. Always just one small baby step at a time. Never bite off more than you can comfortably spit out.
Once you get a grip on one thing, other things your life will run more smoothly, and then you will feel confident enough to tackle the bigger issues – and you will know how to tackle them by having practised on some smaller issues.
Now that you know how to start to make the changes to straighten out your chaotic life, let’s tackle this issue about expectation.
What are your expectations like? Are they high or low? Are they your expectations of yourself, or the expectations of others around you? Make sure that you have this one sorted.
Are you afraid to change because you don’t think you can keep up the high level of management you imagine having an orderly life to need? Are your standards too high? Do you expect too much of you?
If it’s been a long time since you can remember being organised, do you now think that it is all too much, too hard, and will take too much effort to even begin?
If so, then I you are probably trying to do too much at once. Taking one thing and making one small change is so much easier and less overwhelming than trying to do it all at once.
If you are you afraid that any changes you make will become hard to keep up , and that others will always expect this from you – then think again. Carrying around the perceived expectations of others is a heavy burden, and always an unnecessary one.
Get used to this line of thought when other try and give you their opinions of you: what you think of me is none of my business. Often times what we imagine others are thinking of us is just that – imagination only.
Let go of what others might say and think of you, in every aspect of your life. Realise that nothing you can do can change the way they think, and I would bet that what you imagine others think of you is wildly inaccurate.
Most people are too busy thinking of themselves and their own issues to worry too much about thinking badly of others.
Anyone who is ill-mannered enough to actually let you know what they think of you aren’t worth the time of day. If you have people in your life who give you grief over the way you manage your own personal business, then maybe there is another aspect of your stressful life that needs some attention.
Get a grip on those things that make you frown – relationships and too-full diaries for a start. Free yourself from the stress that comes with the burden of the good opinion of others. It’s not good for your sate of mind or your health. Nor does it help you to live you life in the happiest manner possible.
Most of us have already made some attempts to sort our lives, with varying levels of success. We go along for a few weeks with things in good working order, only to find that all too soon, somehow, we loose the plot and it all falls apart, back to the same hectic, over-booked, messy situations we had before.
Think about why you are in this round of success and failure of 2 steps forward and 4 steps back. Are you afraid that you will have nothing to do if everything runs smoothly? Are you afraid that people will think you don’t do much if they see that everything is in order?
Would you feel guilty or be afraid of free time? Have you got a bit of a martyr deal going here, which allows you to complain about how busy you are and how no one helps you?
Are you afraid that being organised and living an orderly life will make you feel that you have no purpose, nothing to work towards?
These are some of the big reasons why many people do not commit to making changes in their lives. We allow ourselves to be sidetracked and cave in at the first glitch, deciding it is all too hard.
When this happens, just stop, and look at what you are doing to yourself. Often you are doing one – or more – of the following: trying to do it all at once, forgetting about the baby steps or letting what you imagine others think of you to bring you down.
One of the hardest things you will ever have to deal with is making changes in your life, and it’s only hard if you try and do it all at once. Stop, step back and do one thing at a time. Get it sorted and settled then move on to the next one thing. Face your problems one at a time and stop hiding from them.
Once you get started, the rest is easy. So start with one easy issue, sort it, celebrate, then move on to the next. Keep your problems on a list, but you don’t have to tackle the hardest stuff first. Choose one that is not too huge, get it done then move on.
Refuse to ignore the hard things. Get a Grip and make a difference to your life.
"Dan janganlah kamu sekali-kali dipalingkan oleh syaitan sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu" - Surah Az-Zukhruf 43 : 62 (so, don't be afraid. ignore the hard things and make a change!)